Senin, 29 November 2010

Ada Apakah Dengan Anda ???

Setiap saat setiap waktu anda mengeluh, anda selalu merasa kurang dan kurang, anda selalu merasa tak puas, anda kurang bersyukur. Anda sebenarnya tidak sedang melakukan kesalahan,karna memang begitulah sebenarnya manusia. Manusia tempat kekurangan dan kesempurnaan itu ada karena kita saling melengkapi.
Tapi taukah anda ketika anda mengeluh berapa waktu yang anda gunakan untuk mengeluh, kenapa anda tidak mencoba untuk menggunakan waktu itu untuk berfikir merencanakan sesuatu untuk hari esok.

Ketika anda merasa kurang,bukankah itu adalah sebuah pemacu kita untuk mencari yang lebih.
bahkan ketika anda kurang merasa puas bukankah itu adalah tolak ukur kemampuan kita yang akan lebih baik kalau kita tingkatkan. Dan ketika anda kurang bersyukur kenapa anda tidak memulainya dari sekarang untuk mensyukuri semua yang Tuhan telah berikan kepada kita.

Kenapa harus menunggu besok kalo kita bisa lakukan sekarang.

LET''s Think !!

Apakah anda telah melakukan hal yang terbaik, yang anda bisa dalam hidup anda ??

Rabu, 24 November 2010

Don't Stop BeliEvin!!!


     TIME was a kid, you probably heard the story of adaptation of 'The Little Engine That Could'? The book tells the story of a train moving into the hills with a slow and stuttering. Lokomotifnya said to myself, "I can, I can, I can." The train was moving slowly climbed until he reached the hill safely.
       Simple lesson that can be given is: believe in yourself capabilities. If the locomotive does not believe in the ability to arrive on the hill, could be a story in the book was a sad ending.
    Not only locomotive that's all can say, "I can, I can, I can", but you can do the same. William Arthur Ward, author of the famous American saying, "I am a winner because I think like a winner, ready to be a winner, and worked like a winner." He's right, if you think being a winner, then it is true you are a winner.

       Heroic story of the locomotive was in the real world proved itself by Lawrence, Indonesian badminton athletes. In 1997, Lawrence stated already exhausted by the PBSI. Due to aging and declining performance, PBSI intend issue from Tim Lawrence Pelatnas. But Lawrence had his own conviction, that he believes his ability and not yet exhausted. Lawrence still believes that he can achieve better performance. With confidence and high self confidence, and with hard work that is not tired, Lawrence show the world that he is indeed capable of extraordinary achievement.
       Lawrence proves his ability has had otherwise been discharged. In 1998, Lawrence became the winner Tim Thomas Indonesia. Also he won the Singapore Open. Then in 2000, Lawrence returned to the winner Tim Thomas Indonesia. In that year also he carved his name by winning a silver medal in Sydney Olympics. Still in the same year, he became the runner-up Japan Open. And in 2001, he became World Champion Single Son, a title which is ideal victory over anywhere in the world. In 2002, he returned with Indonesia retain Thomas Cup to the country.

       Believe in yourself do not have the ability shown by those who work as athletes, who works in an office, which has the physical stamina of the prime, or those who are young and have a passionate spirit. Believe in yourself, believe in his ability, it can be shown by anyone. Without knowing the job, status, age, and gender.
      The present generation may only know the name of Mak Erot. A prominent special treatment of men who had died. Other names that are not less similar kesohornya is Mak Eroh. The present generation may not recognize this name. In 1988, the name Mak Eroh could suck the national public. At that time, everyone was crowded memperbincangkannya. Mak Eroh, then aged 50 years, women from Kampung Pasirkadu, Santana Blossom Village, District Cisayong, Tasikmalaya District, West Java is already a big achievement.
      What makes the name Mak Eroh soar? Mak Eroh, hanging alone on the slopes of the upright on rocky cliffs, on the northeast slope of Mount Galunggung. Mak Eroh managed to struggle alone to make a channel of water throughout the 47 days. When I first Mak Eroh do so, many people around who sneer actions. But that did not dampen the pace to continue working. Mak Eroh believe in his abilities, even when it is arguably not a young age. A woman who mustinya enjoy old age with rocking or playing with grandchildren.
     Mak Eroh who only get education up to grade III SD and have three children, in action using a rope areuy, a type of rattan as a drag rope when hanging. While the tools used to 'drill' is just hoe and rocky cliffs balincong, similar short crowbar.
        Channel to drain water from the River Cilutung finally resolved. Mak Eroh Berhentikah action drill rock climbing? Not yet. With a spirit that knew no surrender, Mak Eroh continue to make the next water channel along the 4.5 kilometer round eight of the hill with a slope of 60-90 degrees. Not to play! The process this time aided by villagers who want to help her, after seeing with my own eyes the results of which have been done Mak Eroh. Within 2.5 years, further work was completed properly. The result? Not only Santana Village lowland farmland irrigated Blooms throughout the year. But also two neighboring villages who come to enjoy the hard work of running water Mak Eroh after its citizens to make the channel the router, the Village Indrajaya and Sukaratu.
     Action Mak Eroh finally arrived ketelinga President Suharto. Its actions are considered brave and provide great benefits for the surrounding community, Mak Eroh Environment Upakarti awarded in 1988. A year later, he also won environmental awards from the UN.

       Two stories above gives wisdom that we actually have a high confidence of capabilities. As said by Mary Kay Ash, the cosmetics successful American businessman, "you can do if you think so, and if you do not think it can do, you're right." Believe in yourself capabilities. Be the locomotive, and keep moving forward. (210708)

"If there is a belief that can move mountains, it is belief in yourself."
- Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, writer, 1830-1916

Source: Believe In Yourself Capability by Sonny Wibisono, writer, lives in Jakarta


 I will give you something about believe... if you want, send your story at my facebook (Naya Virgolover) or make at my blogger (my story !!)... thanks for your attention... I always wait your story ^O^

Rabu, 17 November 2010

Yang Berharga

Today ..
Learn to know more about life ..

All The Things That We Can today, one day surely will from be Replaced by something else again.

But ...
All The Things That We already have customers, will from never be Replaced by anything else, and That of past, present, or bsok, even forever ..
Although it was only a "Pencil"

 GIVE ME ... ^ O ^